Friday, July 29, 2011

Cooking Cake Balls with Carmen

Now don't these look delicious! Carmen made these cake balls for the residents to enjoy and they sure did!

The recipe is very easy.

1. With a boxed cake mix, follow the directions on the box and cook as directed.

2. When the cake is done baking, pull the cake apart into small pieces with your hands and dump into a mixing bowl.

3. Mix the cake pieces together in a bowl with 3/4 a can of frosting.

4. Once it is mixed well, using a spoon (or hands), create the cake balls.

5. Put your created balls into the fridge for 30 minutes.

6. Decorate using the rest of the frosting can and cake toppings. The balls can also be put onto skewers for decorative appeal.

7. Enjoy!